10 WORLD RECORDS Broken By Minecraft

Minecraft as a game has broken its fair share of world records. 10 World Records That Were Broken By Minecraft! Subscribe now to TheGamer! https://goo.gl/AIH31G

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No one can deny the power and popularity of Minecraft. The video game has been purchased by millions of players all over the world and continues to be tremendously popular without the need for sequels or downloadable content. As the popularity of the game grew, so did all of the records it has held.

Minecraft is the best-selling indie game of all-time and this was well before Microsoft purchased the company. Dedicated fans came together to create the largest gathering of people dressed as the main character Steve. As servers only continue to grow, one managed to host thousands of players at the same time. One of the best mini-games created for Minecraft is The Dropper and the mod has been downloaded millions of times as players attempt all the free-fall levels. Minecraft doesn’t need to join other conventions when it can host its own game convention and earn a record for it. Before the game was even released, it was already setting records for the number of Beta downloads it had. A WHOLE country was created in Minecraft allowing players to explore Denmark. The Xbox Live Arcade blew up when Minecraft was released and instantly became the most-played game on the console. DanTDM continues to rake in viewers for his funny Minecraft gaming videos. A UK mapping company used the game to create one of the biggest real-life lands that you can actually explore.

Script by: Alan Donahue

Voice Over by: Ryan George

Edited by: Lashan Ranasinghe

Best Selling Indie Game | 0:32
Largest Gathering Of People Dressed As Steve | 1:37
Most Concurrent Players In The World | 2:39
Most Downloaded Minecraft Project | 3:40
Largest Indie Game Convention | 4:46
Most Popular Game Beta | 5:50
A Full Scale Model Country | 6:47
Most Played Xbox Live Arcade Game | 7:52
Most Views For A Dedicated Minecraft Video Channel | 8:54
Largest Real World Place Created | 9:59

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