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New secret ways to use and auto farm these items using 1.19 Allay in Minecraft Wild Update. Plus shulker shell farms in bedrock edition and cryptic messages.
►All Farms in Minecraft list: http://bit.ly/FarmEverything
Allays features: https://youtu.be/ismxQHt7uxg
25% off Server Hosting by using code: Ray
BisectHosting server hosting: http://bisecthosting.com/ray
►RaysWorks Discord: https://discord.gg/raysworks
►Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/raysworks
►Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RaysWorks
►Twitter: https://twitter.com/RaysWorks
0:00 Intro
0:25 Cool tricks
9:48 Farm uses
15:17 1.19 sneak peaks
19:02 Bedrock shulker farms
ProtoTech is 100% Vanilla Survival whitelisted 6 year old server that has never reset the map with 160,000+ Minecraft days accumulated. With the goal to automate and collect everything possible in the game, the journey has only started!
► ProtoTech episodes: https://goo.gl/331McE
► ProtoTech tours: https://goo.gl/A63Vuq
Ray’s PC setup: pcpartpicker.com/list/zVKQsk
Recorded with OBS: obsproject.com/
edited with SVP: vegascreativesoftware.com
Optifine: optifine.net/
Mcedit: mcedit.net/
NBTexplore: minecraft.gamepedia.com/Programs_and_editors/NBTExplorer
22 Allay Secret Uses! 1.19 Minecraft
Why Dream manhunt doesnt have these new tricks, items and blocks.
Amidst: github.com/toolbox4minecraft/amidst
Replay Mod: replaymod.com
Carpet mod: github.com/gnembon/carpetmod/releases
Music: www.pretzel.rocks/ Sleepless Nights https://youtu.be/ybRUMGomV5E
Minecraft: minecraft.net
Rays Works