93 Minecraft Things You’ll Probably Never See

93 Minecraft Things You’ll Probably Never See

Follow me on Twitter @skipthetweets
Check out my Instagram @skipthetutorial
Character drawn by @MagnaGallina

Produced by Jonah Walters
Edited by Ghasklin, Brennan Moore, and Yashtin Rivera
Research by MonocleMC
Footage by Frankie Mundo, Abelardo Robles, Jordan Cross, Brennan Moore, Jaden Moore, and Jonah Walters
The map used in parts of this video is a modified version of the world download from @GeminiTayMC let’s play series.
Some of the maps used in this video are modified versions of the world downloads from BlueNerd Minecraft’s channel, which you can watch here: @BlueNerdMC
The map used in parts of this video is a modified version of the world download from @Antlerboy
Some music used in this video is courtesy of Mewmore. Make sure to follow their tracks at @Mewmore
Portions of this video are copyrighted and owned by Nintendo, and their use is allowed by the Nintendo Game Content Guidelines for Online Video & Image Sharing Platforms. All other original content, unless expressly noted otherwise, is ©2023, by the Skip the Tutorial creator, all rights reserved.
Other Credits:

Rarest Seed I ever found
byu/iloveminercfat inminecraftseeds

how rare is it to find a mushroom biome that isnt a island?
byu/woofkaat inMinecraft

Surface Stronghold
byu/BigBrain5Head inminecraftseeds

A shipwreck inside of a glacier..?
byu/Maddyherselius inminecraftseeds


Interesting 14 diamond vein being Y 15 to Y 11 tall (Seed in comments)
by inminecraftseeds

long boi mansion.
byu/Apprehensive-Pen-314 inminecraftseeds

[Java 1.16.4 — 10931311583393626] You spawn UNDER a mansion and have to dig yourself out! Reach the outside to find a nearby village with an exposed mineshaft in a connected ravine.
byu/BroBroBrayBray inminecraftseeds

8 spawners in range Seed : 4472 `/tp @p -415 29 1929.3`
byu/neil4879 inminecraftseeds

The largest modified jungle edge biome i’ve ever seen!
byu/llama_boi_4 inminecraftseeds

Record-breaking 20 block tall cactus found by Minecraft@Home, a research project powered by BOINC (seed + location in comments)
byu/ChipIsTheName inminecraftseeds

8 block cacti seed, also near a village
byu/Meikiuman inminecraftseeds

Jungle, Giant Taiga, Bamboo Jungle, and Badlands intersect with Completed 12 Eye Stronghold End Portal right below, in between the biomes!
byu/BigBrain5Head inminecraftseeds

2 End portals on top of each other -1787696665
byu/Waluigi9 inminecraftseeds

A rare Enderman holding netherrack. In 1.16, Endermen can no longer pick up netherrack, but Endermen from previous versions will not lose their netherrack. Collect them before they are gone!
byu/-Last_Wanderer inMinecraft

Pretty Weird Igloo Basement… (just my opinion)
byu/BigBrain5Head inminecraftseeds

wtf is this (java 1.16+) NATURALLY GENERATED
byu/Game-rotator inminecraftseeds

Quintuple pig spawner less than 1000 blocks from spawn! (1.16.5)
byu/TheHeadshot_00 inminecraftseeds

[deleted by user]
by inminecraftseeds

Mushroom village, seed in comments
byu/mintymoes inminecraftseeds

Stronghold with Mineshaft and Dungeon directly below Mansion with Ruined Portal and Village!
byu/BigBrain5Head inminecraftseeds

4 churches what??(seed 3999564951980158659 cords 0, 80,120)
byu/MinerMiner19 inminecraftseeds

This seed has every overworld wood type within 20 blocks of 0, 0!
byu/llama_boi_4 inminecraftseeds

[1.16] [JAVA] The lone Guardian.
byu/forgotpassword_acc inminecraftseeds

Seed with a natural drop of 239 blocks
byu/Ok_Perspective_7177 inminecraftseeds

A portal room with 3 entrances, cooodinates are in the screenshot. -524498233
by inminecraftseeds

Set off a desert temple trap and fell into the coolest and largest cave I’ve found yet
byu/MrWildstar inminecraftseeds

1.18 I usually skip jungle/badlands seeds, but…
byu/szmirgley inminecraftseeds

Fish Island – The most interesting terrain I’ve found in 10+ years
byu/TheGamesILove inminecraftseeds
