41 Unexpected Minecraft Build Hacks! Minecraft building requires a lot of creativity, so the building community is always thinking up new ways to do things. Whether that’s using the debug stick to fix iron bars, making rock climbing walls, or even how to place block illegally off the grid, it’s on this list. So, let’s see the crazy simple minecraft build hacks you can use to improve your base and minecraft house in this Skip the Tutorial Minecraft list video!
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▪Character done by MagnaGallina ▶https://twitter.com/MagnaGallina
Edited by Jeenneette Wolfe
Footage by Frankie Mundo
The map used in parts of this video is a modified version of the world download in GeminiTay’s survival let’s play series, which you can watch from the beginning here: https://youtu.be/cAvlj5jJlUg
Texture Pack: Vanilla Tweaks https://vanillatweaks.net/picker/resource-packs/
Some music used in this video is courtesy of Mewmore. Make sure to follow their tracks at https://www.youtube.com/user/Mewmore
Portions of this video are copyrighted and owned by Nintendo, and their use is allowed by the Nintendo Game Content Guidelines for Online Video & Image Sharing Platforms (https://www.nintendo.co.jp/networkservice_guideline/en/index.html?n). All other original content, unless expressly noted otherwise, is ©2021, by the Skip the Tutorial creator, all rights reserved.
Other Credits:
Making a WORKING TANK in Minecraft!
3-Headed Dragon Build | Minecraft Timelapse | Practicing Organics
♪ Screw the Nether (Moves Like Jagger Parody)
Eight stairs can make a block centred in the middle, not sure how you would use this from DetailCraft
Sorry if this has been posted before, but by having this ladder configuration on both sides of the trapdoors you can have a functional double sided freestanding ladder! from DetailCraft
Use "■" on signs to give a nailed down effect from DetailCraft
Use colored buttons to make a rock climbing wall! from DetailCraft
Using stairs you can create a cool looking circle design! from Minecraft
new gold ore texture makes it look like honey on stone floor from Minecraft
with waterlogged slabs, you can have a colorful shag carpet. from DetailCraft
1.17’s Glow Squid Ink on signs makes great glowing bat eyes! from DetailCraft
Using the debug stick you can make nicer boxes or guardrails for trees/lampposts from DetailCraft
For cellars or stuff like that put water above your chosen spot and then a stair with water underneath and it gives a dripping effect with wet floor from DetailCraft
Backwards lectures can add an interesting detail to staircases! from DetailCraft
Smokers put stacked on top of each other create some cool-looking industrial/steampunk ladders from the side! from DetailCraft
You can use vines to give more texture to leaves! (left with vines, right without vines) from DetailCraft
You can use deepslate and blackstone to create scorched stone bricks, perfect for realistic holes in stone walls! from Minecraft
You can use trapdoors to make it look more damaget from Minecraft
You can create pipes using trapdoors, these also function as an easy way to transport items. from Minecraft
You can use coral fans and item frames to imitate bird nests (also works for chicken coops) from Minecraft
Tip: you can use campfire blocks for water falls from Minecraft
You can use a lever and a chain to hang lantern from the walls. from Minecraft
You can Water Campfires while food is being cooked to create a shelf from Minecraft