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Hollow island
Cords: X: -120 Z: 200
Seed: 868565863016403259
Mega Cave
Cords: You spawn at the location
Seed: 1870652620
Perfect Spawn seed
Cords: You spawn at the location
Seed: -7203507603979108244
Circle Mountain
Cords: X:0 Y:160 Z: 1000
Seed: 847479976687857
Mansion/Sinkhole Seed
Cords: X: 720 Y: 80 Z:-600
Seed: 8486214866965744170
Infinite Frog Seed
Cords: You spawn at the location
Seed: 998009157233817146
Survival Island (BEDORCK)
Cords: You spawn at the location
Seed: 497012475558842182
Repeating seed
Cords: Directly below you
Seed: 107038380838084
Cherry Blossom Lake
Cords: X: 100 Y:130 Z:-100
Seed: -1306837882
Perfect Speedrun Seed
Cords: You spawn at the location
Seed: 8398967436125155523
Additional music provided by Epidemic Sound
Click here for a free trial! http://share.epidemicsound.com/TBNR
If you believe your copyrighted work was unintentionally used in this video without permission, please contact us at copyright@tbnr.net