Every single in-game Minecraft crafting recipe has been completely randomized. And it’s our job to figure out what is made of what. Welcome to the Recipe Randomizer!
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Every single in game Minecraft crafting recipe has been completely randomized. And it’s our job to figure out what is made of what. Not to mention there’s a whole host of other random things happening all throughout this world. We’ll have to tread lightly though because we’re playing in Minecraft’s most deadly game mode, hardcore. Today we begin our journey by completing three main goals, learning the starting recipes, acquiring tools, and finding a place to call home. But you wouldn’t believe how we got our hands on some of the most important recipes to date. Welcome to the Recipe randomizer. Minecraft but Every Recipe is RANDOM (Minecraft Recipe Randomizer Survival) #Minecraft #Randomizer #Update
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✅ Map generated by YellowSnoflake
🎶 Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound
All music used with permission from its creator.