If I say “end”- 10 endermen spawn. if I say “heart”- I lose all my hearts. If I say “lava”- lava spawns below me. I also have to answer every single text-to-speech chat message. can I beat Minecraft like this?
I use the Shure MV7 as my daily microphone! Highly recommend, super easy to use and amazing quality. Get it here now for your setup: https://shu.re/pointcrowtwitch-mv7
▶TWITCH: https://twitch.tv/pointcrow
▶MERCH: https://pointcrow.shop
▶VOD Channel: https://youtube.com/pointcrowvods
▶Twitter: https://twitter.com/pointcrow
▶Discord: https://discord.gg/pointcrow
▶Instagram: https://instagram.com/pointcrow
Artwork/Emotes by Lycel, SSSucrose, AbbyBagel
Editted by: https://twitter.com/verytiredkat
#pointcrow #minecraft #mod