Minecraft Server. Today we negotiate our death for a healthy supply of TNT, give our shops a little update, experiment with art pixel art, attempt to kill bdubs, build a TNTree farm, and buy the llama of our dreams.
Cubfan: https://www.youtube.com/cubfan135
BdoubleO: https://www.youtube.com/BdoubleO100
Note Block Music:
Cave Story: Plant (Done By Me)
Cave Story: On To Grasstown (Done By Me)
HermitCraft Website: http://www.hermitcraft.com
HermitCraft Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/HermitCraft/
HermitCraft Season 7 Seed: WLLBYUG
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/EthoLP
TwitchTV: http://www.twitch.tv/ethotv/
#hermitcraft #etho #minecraft