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It is late at night and Cory is super spooked. He is kept up by a feeling that something is watching him. Lara teases him that the SCP’s have come back to haunt him! While walking around the base, Cory is surrounded by the general and two SCP soldiers. They explain that they are hunting SCP – 966 who has the ability to keep victims from sleeping.
Cory is recruited to help find SCP – 966. The general shows him people at the base who have been affected by the SCP and have been awake for weeks. They go outside and the SCP appears! Cory tries to shoot it, but misses every shot. They soldiers take down the SCP, but the general seems to be hurt by the loud sound projected by the SCP.
The morning arrives and the general has not slept. He does not look well and starts hearing voices. Triana explains to Cory that they have never been able to reverse the effects of SCP – 966. Did someone purposely do this to the general and will they be able to help him? Find out the answers to this and more by watching the entire episode.
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