how much space do you need to walk on a block?

November 9, 2021 MinecraftVideos 0

hmmmmm Commands for command blocks: [you can walk on the eastern side] 1/624999 pixels: /summon armor_stand ~-0.000000100000160000256 ~-3 ~ {NoGravity:1b,Passengers:[{id:”minecraft:shulker”,NoAI:1b,AttachFace:0b}]} 1/625000 pixels: /summon armor_stand ~-0.0000001 […]

How the mob vote will probably go…

October 14, 2021 MinecraftVideos 0

Flying lettuce. Flying hopper. Oxidising dude. Merch: Cape: ——————————————————————– This channel is powered by Shockbyte server hosting — Receive a 25% discount on […]