The Best Minecraft Mod Mojang Is STILL Stealing From

What’s the best Minecraft mod of all time? It’s a debate that never ends!

While some focus on popularity and downloads, others argue for quality and ambition.

Today, we’re spotlighting a forgotten gem: Better Than Wolves.

Created by Flowerchild in just 5 days back in 2011, this mod introduced groundbreaking features that I believe even influenced Minecraft’s official updates. From working windmills to redstone-controlled liquids, Better Than Wolves set a new standard for creativity and innovation.

Join me as we dive into the history and impact of this incredible mod! #minecraftmods #BetterThanWolves #minecrafthistory #moddedminecraft

List of videos used for footage:

Hey! Little clarification, hoppers were update 1.5!

My Youtube Discord:

My Modded Server, Kuba’s Minecraft Modded Factions:

The Modpack is available on the Technic Launcher and Curse Forge: