Heeyyyyy guys and welcome to the video, you heard correct, Fisk has once again updated the awesome Fisk Super Heroes Mod adding a whole bunch of new, sexy and moist animations + full new systems for each characters flying style, along with now also adding guns and new combat systems?!?… Maybe I should make a Series on this mod with some friends in 2023, let me know if you’d love that… But hey with all that said, sit back, relax and “hopefully” you enjoy the video!!!
Oh yeah, also be sure to join the reddit before the next video…
#superhero #minecraft #minecraftmods
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Maps & Mods:
MAP – https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/flans-mod-ww2-battlefield—the-village-of-barrey-164/
MAP – https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/theme-park-foxco-special/
MOD – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/fiskheroes
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